American Legion Celebrates 100th Anniversary!
The 100th anniversary of The American Legion is not only an opportunity to look back on all your post has achieved. It is also the perfect time to chart a course for the second century. New generations of veterans depend on the kind of vision shared and expressed by the World War I-era founders. That vision proved timeless. How will your post extend the same vision and values to future generations?
For more information go here: https://centennial.legion.org/
1948 American Legion National Convention
Heroes with Hearing Loss
American Legion FACTS:
The American Legion was founded in March 1919 in Paris, France, by U.S. World War I military personnel
stationed there who were dedicated to four pillars of service and advocacy: veterans, military personnel, youth
and patriotic values.
■ The American Legion today consists of 55 “departments” in each of the 50 states as well as the District of
Columbia, France, Mexico, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. There are approximately 13,000 local posts
■ Current national membership is about 2 million. Combined with the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of
The American Legion, membership in what is known as the American Legion Family exceeds 3 million.
■ American Legion membership is open to military personnel and veterans who have served their nation on
active duty during wartime. Eligibility has been open to all who have served on active duty since Aug. 2, 1990,
the beginning of continuous U.S. armed conflict in the Middle East and other locations around the planet.
■ The Legion has been instrumental in the creation of a number of major institutions of American society,
including formation of the Department of Veterans Affairs, creation of U.S. Flag Code, passage of the
GI Bill and more.
■ American Legion posts annually:
» Donate more than 3.7 million hours of volunteer service in their communities
» Provide assistance on more than 181,000 VA benefits claims and cases
» Donate more than 80,000 pints of blood to collection centers nationwide, which makes the Legion the
nation’s single largest blood donor
» Awards more than 8,000 medals to Junior ROTC students
» Sponsors more than 2,500 Scouting units serving more than 64,000 young people